Kokushi’s blog


My dairy

9月24日、金曜日。今日はワクチン接種へ行ってきた。grabのタクシーで会場まで行った。タクシーのドライバーさんは中華系の人で色々話を振ってくれたり僕の拙い英語を聞いてくれたりして面白い人だった。会場に着くと沢山人がいた。早速、walk in接種の受付のところで手続きを行った。それからしばらく待たされて、漸く打てた。ワクチンはPfizerにした。sinovacという選択肢もあったが当然Pfizerにした。ワクチン接種後、帰宅して、寮でいつものように過ごした。途中接種部位に痛みが生じたが何事もなく過ごせた。

It's Friday, 24 September. I went to get vaccine today. I went there by taxi of grab.  Its taxi driver was a Chinese and shoke stories and listen to my poor English and interesting. A lot of people could be seen at the hall. Immediately, I went to a counter of walk in vaccination and made its procedure there. After that, I was waited for a long time and got the vaccine at last. I chose Pfizer. There was a choice of sinovac but certainly I chose it. After getting vaccine, I came back home and spent my time as usual at my dormitory. I could spend without any serious problems although pain appeared at a part that was got vaccine.

My diary


It's Thursday, 23 September. Today, I woke up early and took some classes and did my assignments on free time as usual. Also, a mat for weight training was delivered to me last night and I worked out at my room with it. I fired up because I didi it in a long time. I ordered a beef bowl with miso soup by grab. I always feel relax when drinking it for I'm remined my hometown when drinking miso soup

My diary

9月19日、日曜日。今日は昨日と同様散歩に行ってきた。と言っても今日は少し遠い所まで行ってしまった。ます、今日はBRTに乗ってSunway Lagoonまで行った。でも、ここでトラブルが発生した。逆方向のBRTに乗ってしまったのだ。どうしたらいいのかを駅員に聞いたら、終点の駅で折り返すからそのまま逆方向のBRTに乗ればいいって言ってた。言われた通りにしたら、無事に到着できてよかった。到着した後は、路地裏とか屋台が沢山ある場所に行った。それらを見た時、マレーシアのリアルな部分を見たような気になった。また、来週、時間が空いた日も散歩するつもりだけど、結局今日も近所の公園にたどり着けなかった。


It's Sunday, 19 September. I took a walk as yesterday today.But, I happened to go to a little far place. Firstly, I would go to Sunway Lagoon by BRT. But, I encountered a trouble. I mistakely took one that was going to reverse direction. I asked a station attendant how to deal with it and ha/she said the one turns around at the terminal so all I have to do was take the one. I did it and was able to reach my destination. After arriving at there, I went to back alley and a place where many stands are. When I saw them, I felt fresh feeling as yesterday. Also, I'll take a walk at a free day of next week but couldn't reach the neighborhood park after all.    

My diary



It's Saturday, 18 September. I went out from my U residence after long time ago in order to take a walk for a neighborhood park. living things I had never seen in my country could be seen so I felt fresh feeling. However, I encountered an accident. I lost my way althought I just went to the park. So, I took a walk with my whim and happen to reach a shopping mall near my house. Then, I went to a supermarket and had a lunch at a restaurant. Firstly, in the supermarket, there were many tropical fruit so I wonder it's just malaysian supermarket and also whole fish were sold and could saw the scene that can't be seen in Japan. By the way, I bought a bottle of tea and a card caes I wanted. the shopping was for the first time so I felt unease whether I could finish doing it but I could so I was glad. I just want to reach that park tomorrow.

my dairy


It's Thursday, 16 September. I took Mr Nakata's class for the first time today. Honestly, the content of it was a politician ao that it was a little difficult for me and I yawn during his class.

My diary

9月14日、火曜日。今日は、地獄のスピーチの授業だ。正直、憂鬱である。さぼろうかと思った。でも、それも気が引ける。だから、何とか出席した。いつものようにLectureの授業が終わって、Tutorialの授業になった。しかも今回は知り合いの日本人がいる。恥をかきたくない気持ちに拍車がかかった。でも、今回は前回よりも良かったみたいで、先生からwell doneと言われた。嬉しかったし、スピーチの順番で最初にやるとも言った。今回は前回よりもできたので嬉しかった。

It's Tuesday, 14 September. today was a sppech class of hell. honestly, I was depressed. I wonder if I skipped the class but I hesitated to do it so I attended the class. The lecture class finished as usual and the tutorial class started. Also, my Japanese auquaintance attended the class this time. Therefore, I was spurred not to feel like being hummiliated. However, today's speech was greater than the previous one and I was said well done. I was glad and it becomes my confidence.   


It's Monday, 13 September. Today is the day when my classes starts in a week so I feel bad honestly. So, I think I receive passion from Mr Nakata Atsuhiko through his class and will make it through.