Kokushi’s blog


my diary sixth day


It's Sunday 12 September. Today is the day my roommate comes back to his home. I felt like the day suddenly appreaed. My roommate was making packing. I have been taken care of by him. Honestly, I was sometimes annoying for living with someone but I felt lonely for leaving. Our separating greeting seem to be unsatisfied for me but I hope we see somewhere someday. 

my dairy fifth day

9月11日、土曜日。今日は早朝友達と散歩しに行った。久しぶりに寮の外を出た。それで、友達に色々ショッピングモールの場所を教えてもらったりした。早朝の割に暑かった。その後はいつものように、課題を進めたりプログラミングの勉強をした。その後、夕飯はgrabでいつものお店で頼んだ。だが、ここでアクシデントが発生した。self-pick upで頼んでしまったのである。初めての注文方法で色々戸惑った。でも、今回は自力全部やれたので、嬉しかった。

It's Saturday, 11 September. Today, I went to take a walk with my firends in the early morning. I went out from my hall of residence after a iong interval. It was hot for the early morning. My friend showed me to a shopping mall and so on during the time. After that, I advanced my assignments and studied programming as an usual. When the dinner time came, I ordered food from a restaurant which I always use by grab food. But, A n accident happened. I mistakely ordered it at self-pick up. So, I had to go to the restaurant to pick the food up. I was confused with the way because I used it for the first time. However, I was so glad since I could deal with it without someone's help. 

My diary fourth day


It's Friday ten September. I had no class so I advanced my assignments and studied. The most interesting study was a Nakata Atsuhiko's class of how to speak today. I was the most impressed to his class. Honestly, this class is more interesting than the college's classes. So, I wrote a draft of an assignment 1 of public speaking skills based on the content of the class. I was so humiliated by the previous class so that I want to argue somebody into silence. After that, I talked with my freinds on the phone. the time got me to enjoy. 

My diary third day


 It's Thursday nine September. Today, I had a English class.The class was the same as yesterday, tutorial class. At first, an explanation of the content of the classes in the future was conducted. Next, we had to choose an leader of our group. I felt like becoming the leader but I couldn't have confidence. After that, we discussed the answer of the previous's assignment in the group and showed everyone the answer of it. I'm poor at discussion but I could do as I could so that I want to keep the condition.

 I had no class as yesterday so that I advanced my assignment and studied. I want to advance my assignment more tomorro because tomorrow is my holiday.


my diary second day



It's wednesday 8 September. I had a class of basic design today. I said it's tutorial class and I would go for it in my mind as I clicked the link of the zoom. The students who attended the class were various: Tough students who try to finish an assignment on high pace, normal students who try to do it on normal pace, the students who wanted to run away the assignment. There were really various students in the class. The class finished while I thought such the thing. In the afternoon, I had no class so that I studied programming and about a Chinese politian, Xi Jinping on YouTube. I have thought study is interesting. I'll have a English class tomorrow. I'll go for it. 


my diary first day

今日は、public speaking skillというスピーチの授業があったが、俺はその授業で大恥をかいた。まず、最初はlectureの授業があり、これはいつもどうり受けたが問題はその次のtutorialの授業だ。たった3人しかいなかったのだ。人と話すのが苦手な俺は心臓がずっとバクバクしていた。スピーチの授業なので尚更だった。当然、上手く話せず地獄のような時間だった。でも、少人数であるが故にサポートは手厚かった。それに、逃げずに最後まで授業を受けた自分を褒めてあげたいと思う。次の授業ではクラスメートとの距離感を縮めたい。

Today, I had a class of public speaking skill but I was so humiliated on the class! Firstly, I had a lecture of the class and it was as usual but my problem was the next class, tutorial. the class was unnormal for there were three students including me in the class  ! My heart was so fluttering for I am poor at making friends and a speech class even more so. Naturally, I couldn't make a speech so that the time was like the hell. However, the class was a small number of people hence the teacher's support was considerable, plus, I want to praise myself who attending the class to the last without running away. At the next class, I want to shorten the distance between I and other classmates.

